Have I waited it so long for nothing? Bruises of a life that never stops Have I wanted to be someone that never surrenders? Have you cleansed your hands in blood? I stand watching the leafs of a tree falling in the ground I stare and wonder such beautiful picture And now I see my own demise I waited you as a hopeless carcass for vultures Indeed you came too late to save me The storm have reached the harbor at night The men aboard won't see their families anymore In the ship of the hopeless souls I invite you to come aboard When you lost the hour The ship of hope has set sail I set ashore and watched the sun As waves washed my dreams away The clouds are gray preceding the torment I'm just a human being waiting for the last care You were never my cradle, you were never my resort Now I stand to see the sunset, my only escort I stand watching the leafs of a tree falling in the ground I stare and wonder such beautiful picture And now I see my own demise In the ship of the hopeless souls I invite you to come aboard When you lost the hour The ship of hope has set sail I set ashore and watched the sun As waves washed my dreams away Tell the stories of this poor mariner He has a lot of things to say Let this man rest a little sea has taken his life away Now he's nothing but a corpse so as me When you lost the hour The ship of hope has set sail I set ashore and watched the sun As waves washed my dreams away