Keys Of The Light

The Legend of a Wild Horse

Keys Of The Light

Listen to the story
from ancient times
And only with the old ones
it lived and died

There was a lineage
of might horses
So fast that lightning's had never 
beaten their speed

Horse from the long away times,
best friend of typhoons
Show me the secrets 
over the world

Run to the horizon
as fast as you can,
spreading new hope for
the forgotten hearts

Suddenly a dark mist
came through the skies
War and devastation
wiped out their home

Little by little
the bloodhorse vanished
Man's war had forced the legend
to move away once and for all

Horse from the long away times,
best friend of typhoons
Show me the secrets 
over the world

Run to the horizon
as fast as you can,
spreading new hope for
the forgotten hearts

Many years have passed
since the big war
Now people are in need of
that peace, once more

Symbols of freedom
that shone in, glory
Is time to arise for a new age 
where the wind never stops

Horse from the long away times,
best friend of typhoons
Show me the secrets 
over the world

Run to the horizon
as fast as you can,
spreading new hope for
the forgotten hearts