If you look inside my soul You'll find a whole collection of marvel legends But if you look inside my heart You find some old nintendo cartridges Now look inside my brain And you can see the star wars trilogy But look now deep inside Then all that you will see is her All you will see is her If you look inside my eyes You can see the spark is coming back And if you look inside my hands All that'll be there is money to buy weed But look inside my room And all...you'll...see is Old wires on the floor My friends ps4 Maybe synthesizer How I met your mother A heart shaped guitar The first five harry potters A bong filed with pot And maybe some shirts on floor 3 Or 4 used lighters An empty can of soda pop The sims 3 on the pc While I watch always sunny And maybe some shirts, on the floor But in the end of the room you'll see a little light And it's shaped like a box it's me on my cellphone I'm talking to her and she tells me of her days And sunedly all my urge to play sonic goes away I'm just as happy as can be For the first time in months, I've been happy