When I was a little girl you always Took me along with you And I never imagined there'd come a day When you couldn't go As you rode your bike Through the streets back home You rode me along And you took such care as you rode me there My big brother so strong Now your angel in my life And I'm still ridin' on the back of your bike You've gotta the handle bars firm in your hand Leadin' me through unfamiliar land You're my big brother till the end of all time Angel you are Ooooo Angel you are Ooooo Now I'm all grown up and in charge Of just where I go Yet I always seem to see reminders of you Everywhere I go But you're there Mmm you're always there You're still leadin' the way Somehow you still take care As I go here and there Even from far away 'cause you're angel in my life And I'm still ridin' on the back of your bike You've got the handle bars firm in your hand Leadin' me through unfamiliar land You're my big brother till the end of all time Angel you are mmm Angel you are mmm It seems to me you can still Somehow be a part When you choose to be You can be here you're not just part of my heart No 'cause you're angel in my life And I'm still ridin' on the back of your bike You've got the handle bars firm in your hand Leadin' me through unfamiliar land You're my big brother till the end of all time Angel you are Angel you are Angel you are You are