There's a war; there's a bloodbath; A holocaust mud path. A revolution revisionist digenous cud mass. Regurgitate - chew - regurgitate - chew; And feed on the puke that the wakened will run past. Death, dishonor, malignance; the sickest Ridiculous fictions fixate in our visions. The populous dirty and hungry for deep fried morality - A small metabolic totality. But fuck it - there's a whore out there who i lived for - A demon i nurtured and served as a gift store - A slut with a lucifer orifice jig-saw That vice gripped my dick, framed my heart in a picture Too dark to describe and i'm stuck under glass, And my bones are too soft to dilute the diecast, And the space between surface and ground is dissolving; Perimeter visible, jailing around me; The serpents of poison are sailing around me; The angels of dishonest cunt-fuck have found me; The fires of hell seem so cold in detention; The world's black and white, small and losing dimension; I can't break the glass - it'll shatter around me; I can't break the cast cause the pressure will pound me; I can't leave the ass cause the bastard'll hound me; I can't keep the ass cause the bastard'll hound me; I can't live my life cause the bastard'll hound me; I live sacrifice cause that bastard surrounds me; Stuck in a cheap fucking frame, under glass; With a picture of falsehood that marks where i stand. And a transparent ceiling that acts as the sky; I can see past the boundaries but can't learn to fly. This is my world that i seek to get broken; This is the girl on whose passion i'm choking; This is the desperate voice that's been chosen. This is the devil - my words have been spoken. Genocide - what?!; Nuclear war - what?! Poverty - what?! Terrorism - what?! Disease and death - what?! Hypocrisy - what?! The only wrong in my world is a slut.