As I leave, I leave you peace
Not as the world gives, I give you peace
As I leave, I leave you peace
Not as the world gives, I give you peace

Don’t let your heart be afraid, abide in me
Don’t let your heart be afraid, hide in me
Abide in me

In this life, you will have trouble
But do not fear, I have overcome the world
In this life, you will have trouble
But do not fear, I have overcome the world

Don’t let your heart be afraid, abide in me
Don’t let your heart be afraid, hide in me
Don’t let your heart be afraid, abide in me
Don’t let your heart be afraid, hide in me
Abide in me

I am your source and I’m your bread
I am your hope and I’m your rest
I am your day, I am your night
I am your help, I am your light

I am your song and I’m your breath
I am your life, I was your death
I am your joy, and I’m your peace
I am your strength, I am your healing