Keisha White

Whats on your mind

Keisha White

I was turning on my radio today,
and it hurted to hear the things they had to say. 
They were shouting,and preaching..
words of hate they were speaking. 
I was determent not to let it spoil my day. 

what's on your mind 
what's on your mind 
with a world that is so beautiful 
don't hide 
just open your eyes 
open your eyes 

I noticed something in a magazine 
and it was telling me how great my life could be 
and it strucked me kind of funny,
coz all they'd talked about was money 
like,that could be the answears to my dreams 


got me thinking 
what's on your mind 
what's on your mind 
with a world that is so beautiful 
don't hide 
just open your eyes 
open your eyes 

well it's all about the sadness 
and it's all about the pain 
they'll tell you who's been lost 
but never who's been save d 
when there's so much more that's missing 
and there's so much more to gain 
just remember,what matters 
is living everyday 

what's on your mind 
what's on your mind 
with a world that is so beautiful 
don't hide 
just open your eyes 
open your eyes 

what's on your mind