Burch Mog Drunken She waits watching the distance Dreading the fear Brought by each freshly fallen tear The words can barely crawl up her throat She doesn't want to be you Don't let her slip They all badger But I couldn't even cause her to She thinks I want to be Just like her Drifting With misguided direction Luckily, or so it would seem Caught by the same constant branch A plummet becomes a swan dive That becomes a glide Silent, like a feather far from your ears She doesn't want to be you Don't let her slip They all badger But I couldn't even cause her to She thinks I want to be Just like her Darling Your smile can make the sun rise Anytime at all So clear your eyes Rid the sorrow Make the sun come up tomorrow Settle down Take your time Have a ball She doesn't want to be you Don't let her slip They all badger But I couldn't even cause her to She thinks I want to be Just like her