
Closer Than Sun


A Summer Breeze
A Sleepy Head
A Woken Dream
An Empty Bed
A Lazy Smile
A Broken Life
A Bitter Moon
A Velvet Sky
A Golden Hour
A Perfect Curve
A Travelled Mine
A Curse of Love
A Stolen Day
A Moment's Calm
A Storm of Doubt
A False Alarm

Closer Than the Sun
Life Has Come and Gone
Fading in the Shadows
Like a Summer Smile
Sleeping For a While
No-one Knows Tomorrow

A Lost Embrace
A Sinner's Pride
A Loser's Chase
A Bitter Bride
A Frozen Blade
A Water's Edge
A Heavy Sigh
A Wilderness
A Fight For Life
A Fading Sky
A Fleeting Glance
A Perfect Crime
A Journey's End
A Dying Flame
A Promised Land
A Final Game


Dancing Like a Breeze Upon Your Soul That Sprinkles Every Singlewaking Hour
Woken Like a Dream Before Its Time Forever Preying On Your Mind
Dancing Like a Breeze Upon Your Sould That Sprinkles Every Singlewaking Hour Woken Like a Dream Before Its Time Forever Preying Onyour Mind 
Life's Dirt and Dreams, Tattered and Torn
Cracked and Fragmented, Weary and Worn
Seet As a Lulluby, Hushed As a Baby's Cry
I'm Only Sleeping For a While
Sweet As a Lullaby, Hushed As a Baby's Cry
Fresh From the Memory of Wanting You, of Needing You
I Will Return, We're Almost There
I Will Return