We all come from the Goddess And to her we shall return Like a drop of rain Flowing to the ocean... (Z. Budapest) Music is a circle Watch it come around Listen to the sound It is calling you Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth and Spirit I am... (Andras Corban Arthen) Hoof and horn, hoof and horn All that dies shall be reborn Corn and grain, corn and grain -- Original: "Vine and grain" All that falls shall rise again... (Ian Corrigan) Magic is a circle Dance within its flame Learn your secret name Call a song to you We are the flow and we are the ebb We are the weavers, we are the web... (Shekinah Mountainwater) We are a circle within a circle With no beginning and never ending... (Rick Hamouris) Loving is a circle Learn its magic song Sing your whole life long Love will come to you Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate Demeter, Kali, Inanna... (Deena Metzger)