I went down to the Cathedral of War As the generals' service was ending And I asked a general "What is the point?" "Cause it looked like a game of pretending And he frowned and sputtered and stamping his foot Said "Young Woman, it's no game at all" And his words were all daggers and knives And the look in his eyes was a terrible wall I went down to the Cathedral of Time To pray for a better tommorow And I lit a candle to burn at both ends Just to light up my chasm of sorrow And the minutes and seconds were scattered about But they kept slipping right through my hands And the tide washed them into the past Flowing out of a castle of hourglass sands I went down to the Cathedral of Song To polish the trumpets of treason And I stood in the aisle and answered the call Of a songbird who sang out of season And I shouted of honor and beauty and truth In the eyes of each woman and man And I spoke of the gifts we are blind to in youth Which we find at the heart of the Plan I went down to the Cathedral of Death But the Well of the Souls had run dry And I knelt with the penitents praying and pale And I stood with the ghost of a sigh And the carousel horses and caravan gypsies Were dancing away out the door And the honey of hope fell in strings From the tips of my fingers and dropped on the floor I never go to Cathedrals at all Or at least any more than I must And I know when my moment of dancing is done I'll dissolve into starlight and dust And the lessons I've learned Will be lost in the night And my heart will lie empty and cold But the love that I give will live on Like the light of a dawn made of amber and gold