
Bottom Feeder


A lack of ambition
Crippling sadness
Feeding emotion
Cower disgust

Lifetime failure
Hate the world
Yourself most

Base defiler
Bottom feeder

You've always said that life's not kind to you
Pity junkie do nothing for yourself
Another night of TV dinner
Raise your glass toast to your health

Another day with nothing to live for
Another night you writhe in agony

The sun is your worst fear
Outside world frightens you
You look down on people
Surrender to the void

Steal from the weak
Support your shit life
A life of solitude
Nobody sees you

And when you die no one will notice
Until your neighbors smell the stench
A man with no impact on anyone
Self serving disgusting being

With monitors burned into your eyes
Your heart will just explode
Need a crane to lift out the body
No one will fucking care

Bottom feeder
No life no worth
Bottom feeder
No life no worth
Bottom feeder
No life no worth