A decade in the making, 10 years born through anger, From fantasy to reality and into the mind, Prospered and fallen, We've open doors that seem forever closed, Northern hyperblast legions worldwide [fans of kataklysm's unique death Metal] Loyal to the sounds of devastation We've walked through "the mystical gate", Into the magic of "sorcery", We've entered the "temple of knowledge", Just to fall "victim of this fallen world"..... Reborn through "the prophecy" Prepare for this "epic" stand! The fire burns in our heart There's no fear for the originators Of the light speed blast - underground bound! What we've endured...the ups, the downs What we've endured...and all the shit that's in between What we endured...the criticism* What we've endured...and no recognition What we endured...for being extreme* Do you understand...do you?.. Do you understand who we are? What we endured ...the ups, the down ...and all the shit that's in between ...the criticism ...and no recognition ...for being extreme But we would do it all over again, Because you're the reason we exist!