She crawls in beside him And stares at the wall The writing's already there Has a pain in the stomach A hole in her soul And nothing between them were left She gonna have to face life on her own She lungs for the warmth of his touch But he's right there beside her But there's nobody home And that's the difference between lonely and being alone That's the difference between lonely and being alone She used to feel sorry For all other girls That spent Friday nights by themselves Lord now she knows better That there's nothin' worse Than being lonely with somebody else All she can do now Is pack up and go And see who she is without him 'Cause if she never leaves him Then she'll never know The difference between lonely and being alone Someday she'll be singing When she drives alone And she won't feel the tears When she hears their old song When the night falls and lands soft When no one but her She won't miss a sound of his voice She'll wear the quiet like an old flannel robe And that's the difference between lonely and being alone That's the difference between lonely and being alone