The Man-O-War The Man-O-War Was gaining The Man-O-War The Man-O-War Was gaining The Man-O-War The Man-O-War Was gaining The Man-O-War The Man-O-War Was gaining We rang the bell Mary and I We cried to the men Who were sleeping inside All were drunk on stolen rum And none came to help us So shoulder to shoulder And back to back Two Pirate Queens braced for attack We called to the men I called out to Jack "Get up, or I’ll kill you myself" Then one and two and three and four We fought the crew Of the Man-O-War We fought with force We fought alone Until they overpowered us both With blades to my neck I looked to my friend Still fighting them hard With the last of her strength I knew it was over I knew it was the end All things come to an end All things come to an end All is a choice in the end We can choose to let be We can yield to the sea We can choose to be free But fight endlessly All things come to an end But I chose this end And so the crew were captured Thrown in prison Death by hanging But Mary and I Were spared for a time For our bellies held a child I asked if I could see him ‘Fore the hanging My Jack Rackham But there in the cell Lay no man, but a shell And the image cut my heart I said: Ah, Jack I don’t understand If only you’d fought like a man But you got us caught And now you’ll die like a dog Jack met his end With a noose 'round his neck His body displayed as a warning effect Though the pain was intense Not a tear did I shed They fell for Mary They fell for Mary Sister and friend Until the end She died in her cell Flew away with her child On pearl wings Like pelicans I gave birth to a girl And she had Jack’s eyes Then one night my cell was left open Who and why? I never could answer Someone saved my life I walked to freedom A new life beginning A new day was dawning I said goodbye to the sea And to a part of me To Anne Bonny