I am made of steel, I am made of iron I am armored Against forró, axé, sertanejo and pagode nauseated Funk that name and, this music I do not see nothing what it has more and woman with its rebolator How ! I want Brazil with more culture without corrupções of the Senate A better taste for the musical style with intelligent letters plus one rap not speaking of the slum quarter and of that it was assassinated One for all for the rock roll The important one and to have god in the head Jesus in the heart Peace, equality and freedom and the anarquismo without notion Rock in the vein, rock in the head, rock in the heart tanning the sound In the Maximum volume forgetting itself them problems and it Or you and everything or you and nothing Choices are made, words are Said Options are chosen You and what it is not what they say Personality you who make its, strong or weak support look at for top and follow in front He exceeds barriers follows its route without borders He goes until its limit speeds up to tree hundred He polishes, he sings, he cries out,concerteza its life will not be the same one. Rock in the vein Rock in the vein Rock in the vein Pagode in the chain and the ones in the bilge alone in the after-wine!