Good afternoon ladies and Gentleman, this is your captain. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Lucy. I'm home. Where you been? Oh, I know. You been conga dancing? Well me too. Now you got some splaininnnnnnng. To do. This ain't about me, It's about you. Everything you sayin' ain't true. I never trust a B in apartment twenty-three, cause she's fucking the dude in twenty-two. Got hands all in her gato. Hot sauce in her taco. Turned her face to Picasso. Hey, this is rittatto. Boom. Baby, I went Ricky Ricarco. But you be loosey goosey, when you be on that bottle. Say you wanna leave me, cause you caught me cheating. Baby, I ain't worried, worried, worried. I know. Kee, kee, kee, kee, kee, kee, kee Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo Ooh. See that girl like va-va-va-vavoom. Show a naked ass like uh-ba-baboon. Watch me do my wapabaloo. Early in the morning get the cock-a-doodle-doo. They call me the captain. Two girls, four tittie bouncin'. So proud of my Johnson. That's Johnson, Johnson, and Johnson. I don't fuck with no socks. Cold feet, I'm gown stop. Get up off of those sheets. Unless you doin' my laundry. I am the white Tyrese. Sweet lady come talk to me. But please don't try and seduce me. Cause girl, I really love Lucy. Oh Baby, I went Ricky Ricarco. But you be loosey goosey, when you be on that bottle. Say you wanna leave me, cause you caught me cheating. Baby, I ain't worried, worried, worried. I know. Kee, kee, kee, kee, kee, kee, kee Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Loosey Goosey! Hey I admit, I went a little bit too Ricky Ricardo, didn't I mamasita? Cause you are my flower. Sorry Lucy, I went Ricardo. I know you'll be, back tomorrow. Get your whining ass out my carro. She will be back, that's mamarro. Come here mamasita. You're my floresita. Lucy-si-si-sita. Come meet your fajita. Come here mamasita. You're my floresita. Lucy-si-si-sita. Come meet your fajitaaaaaaaaa. Cause I'm Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo. Take me back, take me back, she'll be back. Ricky Ricardo.