
Black Souls of the Fullmoon


I walk alone in a winter night
It's dark and cold
I scream at teh moon in a black sky
A fox bark and echoes of teh devil
The souls of a viking in his prayer

It's a power of the fullmoon
In a cold winter night
Nothing can stop
The revenge of the souls

THe reality of life
Is dirty brutal scam
The realities are never compromise
I come into the darkness
I hear the sound of death
Filled with souls of devil
Evil and darkness will reign the world

It's a power of the fullmoon
In a cold winter night
Nothing can stop
The revenge of the souls

Black souls of the fullmoon...

You will realize
The satan and the souls of black evil
Comes to reign world
Most of you will be dead and corrupted

I walk eternally
After the ends of world's reality
Through the dark woods
Into the fullmoon

Cries of the dark woods
Wolfs of bark and grays of weep
With unblessed souls I cried
Every human will be die by the souls
And I walk through the dark woods
Into the fullmoon

Black souls of the fullmoon...