No soul was there to see the coming of our rotten fleet; No heart was there to flutter in fear of impending death; Within bowels of the vessels, our dirty phalanx lay in hiding No trumpets heralded our arrival And yet we came All Europe burned All flesh is grass; engrave these words upon your graves Your youth in bloom, soon to be scavenged in slime None shall get away; all will mingle with the dead Before our morbid altar you'll beseech to be spared No mercy! As dusk cloaked busy streets and voices turned to whispers We over flew and brought the disease upon fertile lands; On our backs we carried assassins of formidable names With the human howling we disseminated and tainted The flesh and the bones All flesh is grass; engrave these words upon your graves Your youth in bloom, soon to be scavenged in slime None shall get away; all will mingle with the dead Before our morbid altar you'll beseech to be spared No mercy! Behold, the smoldering hatred of our wretched master Bow before the might figure of the Nameless One; Embrace the rags draping His plague-eaten flesh Kiss the hand that feeds the sickness into your souls; The Rat Armada None shall survive The year was 1347 when our legions stroke with hate Black Death-they would later know us by that name; as we crept inside the living human organism with Worm and snails munching on the diseased We turned your cities into grotesquely twisted ruins; Skeletons romping around Decaying flesh hanging from bones Pipes of mourning and drums of death The orchestra of condemnation The hideous danse macabre The dawn of the New Age, the terror of extermination Pictures of abundant death, bodies dumped into the ditch Decomposing remnants of once proud noble mankind Now broken and brought to its knees before Inhumane oppression Embrace the end of all life Open your arms to the Rat Armada Here we come [Blackout]…