There's a rock that is higher than I A mending to bridge the divide A hope that's beyond my plain sight Reclaiming what you said is mine You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one You are faithful to finish what you start, good as done Come hell or high waters, you won't stop 'til it's won You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one I am standing on this cornerstone Your love is becoming my home I trust you have all that I need As you're building a city in me You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one You are faithful to finish what you start, good as done Come hell or high waters, you won't stop 'til it's won You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one One by one I surrender, I'll watch you rise and fight My rebuilder, you're making all things right My defender, coming with my breakthrough Now forever, victory belongs to you You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one You are faithful to finish what you start, good as done Come hell or high waters, you won't stop 'til it's won ('til it's won) You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one One by one Come hell or high waters, you won't stop 'til it's won You're rebuilding my ruins one by one, one by one