[The Circle of Immortals]: "Don't break our oath, no Don't break the pact Stop, don't Ruin your life, raise the knife This time you have gone too far Love can always be healed We absolved treachery Wake up from your reverie" [Research Center AI]: "Biocellular Research and Development Corporation, welcome. Identification process, please wait... Success... Identity confirmed. Good evening Doctor Otsuka. Please, enter your authorization number to enter restricted high security zone and access nanotechnology area... Access denied. Sorry Doctor, you are not allowed to enter this sector anymore. Calling security unit." [Security Unit]: "Sector 9 patrol to all units, this is an emergency. I repeat, this is an emergency, the intruder has been located at level 3. He is not armed, he is not armed, catch him alive. Over." - "Come on let's go, let's go!" - "Unit 5, the fugitive ran away through stairway B, he's going down right at you Unit 2. Over." - "Roger, we hear you loud and clear, be careful but still get him alive, don't shoot! I repeat, do not shoot! Over." - "Wilco. I've got a visual contact with the fugitive, he just turned left towards the building's basement. Over." - "Roger we got him, we got him. The fugitive is neutralized. End of mission. Out." [Judge]: "Considering the critical nature of your schemes and after the jury's due deliberation, the court of the Circle of Immortals hereby sentences you to death. Take the prisoner away..."