But despite the humans' expectancies, settling colony on this planet was not innoxious. The system's star emanated deadly radiation, and the colonists had no other choice than to bury themselves in gigantic caves. They then conceived an army of robots designed for planetary resources exploitation. Only these inorganic machines could brave Proserpine to bring their masters essential energies and supplies. Signals, sent out to the sky Scouring for receiver This spaceship, here will testify Floating right there, beacon of worth The settlers, once landed, now discover A strange and unexpected land Here in Proserpine Sheltering from the light [Colonists]: "We are alone / Hide in the night Will we find a way? Come save us Out of the idleness Into the night We go" Des visages vides (Empty faces) Aux ages oublies (ages to forget) Morbides chrysalides (morbid, chrysalises) A jamais glacees (never frozen) Une ame pleure (a soul never cries) Mais qui le sait? (but who cares?) L'human se meurt... (the human is dying) Degenere (degeneration) [Keiji]: "I can recall my life when all was real Delusion has corrupted humanity's ideal We are lost here in this actual fantasy Is there no way out of this loaded legacy? Time has come Humankind's journey is reaching its end We lay here still, living a dream We have lost our culture, lost our future We can't keep retrogressing like this, must be a way My eyes can see terrified Our kind stuck in this necropolis, will I betray?"