Remember me to Ravenswing Where the windows face the sea Where the pillows smell of lavender All those nights come back to me Say hello to the Yellow Duke He taught me this waltz On the dance-floor of the clifftop He was a partner to us all Remember me to Ravenswing Where the boys all hang out Give them this token of my love Let them try to work it out Say hello to Julian With his fire-cracker smile He is still the finest tree Along this barren, stony mile Take me back, take me back Ah, take me back, take me back Take me back Remember me to Ravenswing On that island small and white We left something of our lives behind On that frantic August night Susan wore her famous dress And smoked her favourite fire We made love without a sound With need but no desire How many times have I looked for that place Remembered its essence but forgotten its face High on that hill overlooking the sea In the room at the top of the stairs I see Susan and me Remember me to Ravenswing Remember me to the boys Tell them our lives are like love-letters That will never be destroyed Cut them a branch of thorns and a rose Take them this song they can sing Carry them to those young men Home at Ravenswing