
The Sky Children


A million white flowers in a field in the sky
Seemed to spell out a greeting as the children flew by
A guard in a chariot of silver and gold
Gave the children all tickets, then the story he told
Of a time in the future that was sunshine and flowers
And the children grew sleepy in the sky's white towers
They dreamed of the story that the guard had displayed
They saw all the wonders, tiny minds were amazed
They saw candy forests and dragons that breathed fire
On all that was evil in the misty mire

They came to the village where the turtles in caves
Made pies for the people and the lemonade
The people lived out by the sea and each day
The seagulls would wake them as they passed on their way
The people were kindly, they would sing to the sky
And each bright new morning, the sun shone from their eyes
The children passed over and all the people could see
As they dived from the sky to the treacle sea
They bathed on the white sand, minutes turned into hours
And the children all giggled and gave each other flowers

The King from his castle came down to the sea
And he spoke to the children so patiently
He gave them small presents and bid them farewell
And the children unwrapped them, tiny silver bells
Their tinkling floated across the island with ease
And it came back toward them on the perfume breeze
They smiled at the tinkling, they gazed at the sun
And they smiled at each other, pretty little ones
A beautiful white horse came down to the sea
And the children all climbed up as he knelt on one knee

They rode through the valleys and high over hills
And they laughed oh so loudly, their fear to kill
They came to a lakeside of deep velvet and green
And they all stared in wonder at its beauty serene
They climbed from the white horse, they watch as it goes
As they stood by the green lake for to kiss their toes
A boat in the distance was suddenly there
Waiting to take the children to anywhere
The porcupine captain said that he didn't mind
In his coat of black needles, he looked very kind

His crew were six rabbits with fluffy white ears
And the children all stroked them and lost all their fears
They sailed through the sunshine, across the green lake
And they drank lemonade and they ate ice-cream cake
They landed in a dark cave as the boat disappeared
And they all stood in darkness, through the shadows they peered
But out of the blackness shone diamonds so bright
Their tiny white hands shielded eyes from the light
In a pool of quicksilver stood Neptune so wise
And pearls were his white teeth, bright diamonds his eyes

He spoke to the children in a voice of velvet
And he beckoned them to him, in a circle they sat
He told of sky island and of his magic cave
And magic pink seashells to the children he gave
They listened intently as the music came far
From the magic pink seashells and nobody talked
But Neptune had vanished when they lifted their eyes
So they walked from the cave as two kingfishers cried
In the bright shiny sunlight, they got down on one knee
They listened to the sea shells of the magical sea

But the day grew much darker, so they climbed on the breeze
And they floated to the village, and the people were pleased
To see them so happy with their tinkling bells
And the people all listened to the musical shells
But the children were so sad, the time had come to leave
So the people waved goodbye and begged them to believe
Of the wonders they had seen in the island of the sky
And the children said they would and away they did fly
Through the white clouds of no time till forever it seems
And the children stayed children and they lived in their dreams

Um milhão de flores brancas em um campo no céu
Pareciam pronunciar uma saudação para as crianças que passaram por lá
Um guarda em uma carruagem de ouro e prata
Deu as crianças todos os bilhetes, então a historia ele contou
De um tempo no futuro que era sol sol e flores
E as crianças ficaram com sono nas torres branca do céu
Elas sonharam com a historia que o guarda tinha contado
Elas viram todas as maravilhas, minúsculas mentes estavam maravilhadas
Elas viram florestas de doce e dragões que respiravam fogo
Em tudo isso estava o mal na lama enevoada

Elas vieram para o vilarejo onde as tartarugas nas cavernas
Fizeram torta para as pessoas e limonada
As pessoas moravam perto do mar e cada dia
As gaivotas acordavam elas enquanto passavam por seus caminhos
As pessoas eram gentis, elas catavam para o céu
E cada nova manha brilhante, o sol brilhava em seus olhos
As crianças passaram e todas as pessoas viram
Como elas mergulhavam do cel ate o mar de melaço
Elas se banharam na areia branca, minutos se tornaram horas
E as crianças deram risadinhas e flores uma para as outras

O rei do seu castelo desceu para o mar
E conversou com as crianças tao pacientemente
Ele deu a eles presentinhos e se despediu
E as crianças os desembrulharam, minúsculos sinos prateados
O seu tilintar flutuou em toda a ilha com facilidade
E voltou em direção a elas no perfume da brisa
Elas sorriram ao tilintar, e olharam para o sol
E elas sorriram uma para a outra, muito pequeninas
Um lindo cavalo branco desceu para o mar
E as crianças todas subiram quando ele se ajoelhou em um joelho

Elas cavalgaram pelos vales e colina a cima
E elas gargalhavam, ah, tão alto, o medo de matar
Elas chegaram a uma beira de lago de profundo veludo verde
E elas todas olhavam com encanto para a sua beleza serena
Elas desceram do cavalo branco, elas observaram como ele ia
A medida que estavam junto ao lago verde para beijar seus dedos
Um barco a distancia de repente estava la
Esperando para levar as crianças para qualquer lugar
O capitão porco-espinho disse que ele não se importava
Em seu casaco de agulhas negras ele olhos gentilmente

Sua tripulação eram seis coelhos com orelhas brancas macias
E as crianças todas os acarinhavam e perderam seus medos
Elas navegavam pela luz do sol, através do lago verde
E elas beberam limonada e comeram bolo de sorvete
Elas desembarcaram em uma caverna escura enquanto o barco desaparecia
E eles ficaram na escuridão, e por entre as trevas eles olhavam
Mas fora da escuridão brilhavam diamantes muito brilhantes
Suas mãozinhas brancas protegeram os olhos da luz
Em uma lagoa de mercúrio estava Netuno tão sábio
E as pérolas eram seus dentes brancos, seus olhos claros como diamante

Ele conversou com as crianças com uma voz aveludada
E ele chamou-as a ele, em um circulo se sentaram
Ele contou da ilha do céu e de sua caverna magica
E magicas conchas cor-de-rosa para as crianças ele deu
Elas ouviram atentamente enquanto a musica vinha de longe
Das mágicas conchas cor-de-rosa e ninguém falou
Mas Netuno havia sumido quando elas levantaram os olhos
Então elas saíram da caverna como dois maçaricos choravam
Na clara e brilhante luz do sol, elas abaixaram em um joelho
E ouviram a as conchas do mar mágico

Mas o dia ficou muito mais escuro, então elas subiram na brisa
E voaram para o vilarejo, e as pessoas estavam agradecidas
De vê-los tao felizes com os seus sinos a tilintar
E as pessoas todas ouviram as conchas musicais
Mas as crianças estavam tao tristes, a hora de ir embora tinha chegado
Então as pessoas acenaram adeus e imploraram que acreditassem
Nas maravilhas que tinhas visto na ilha do seu
E as crianças disseram que iriam e voaram embora
Pelas nuvens brancas de pouco tempo ate para sempre parecia
E as crianças permaneceram crianças e viveram seus sonhos