


Our bodies are like clouds
They don't exist
We are water making shapes
Then it's gone

People see different things
But none is real
The contents return to earth
To make new ones

Born ghosts in purgatory
Illusions in space
Has anyone ever built
The horizon

Do we go to a better place
Or disappear
Are we saved or damned
Or no more
How are we any less real
Than memories
Body and mind are the same

All that's left of us after this
Are our names
Atoms moving through the air
To make a sound

Words attempt to make sense of it
A human invention
No more real than the only ones
That can read it

Do we go to a better place
Or disappear
Are we saved or damned
Or no more
How are we any less real
Than memories
Body and mind are the same

What doesn't exist can only
Be perceived by those
Who are not really there

Meaning has no meaning
It makes no sense for those
With no sense to care

Do we go to a better place
Or disappear
Are we saved or damned
Or no more
How are we any less real
Than memories
Body and mind are the same

Life is just atoms rearranged
Death too
Love is just a chemical
Grief too
We give them meaning
By choice