Lay in my bed, lay in my bed What if I die here, holding my breath? Could be a curse, or is it the day? Is it the day? Is it the day? Solo yo y la luna A dormir me siento tan sola In my worry (to warm sheets) I (I) just try (just try) to sleep Tanto trabajar y no tengo nada Tanto trabajar y no tengo nada Es mi sangre por el día Hoy el mundo que fastidia Y me deja impaciente No sé cuál será Lay in my bed, lay in my bed What if I die here, holding my breath? Could be a curse, or is it the day? Is it the day? Is it the day? yume no naka no nakama no anata no karada ga kanarazu atatakai hazu hazure matsu tsugi no tsuki no tsuki o matsu atama n chū no hitsuji no kazu namae wasurete mo kanarazu nerenai to awanaikara hen tai ga itai me o tojitara mietekita mimi sumase kikoetekita shōganai mitai ji hane okitakunai toki mone I just wanna melt in my bed You and I are alike in that sense You are not the sum of your fears Fingers trace the back of your ear Tell me what you wanted to hear Just try to sleep Lay in my bed, lay in my bed What if I die here, holding my breath? Could be a curse, or is it the day? Is it the day? Is it the day?