Tom: C campfire drop d 1/2 step down copy paste into notepad if it looks jumbled on the forum e-----------------| b-10-10-10-10-----| g--9--9--9--9-7/9-| d-10-10-10-10-----| a-----------------| d-----------------| the strumming is pretty straightforward, so im just gonna write up the chords played welcome to your life... e--x b-13 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 you better watch your steps... e--7 b--x g--x d--5 a--5 d--5 it could turn to fire... e--x b-15 g--x d-12 a-12 d-12 it could sear through your shoes... e--x b-13 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 e--x b-12 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 then just repeat those chords but they dont go in that same order the next couple times around through your feet move... e-----------------| b-10-10-10-10-----| g--9--9--9--9-7/9-| d-10-10-10-10-----| a-----------------| d-----------------| until you... e--x b-13 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 walk a path with love... e--7 b--x g--x d--5 a--5 d--5 repeat these one more time and then and you might even breath easily... e--x b-15 g--x d-12 a-12 d-12 e--x b-13 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 e--x b-12 g--x d-10 a-10 d-10 chorus albeit... e--8 b--x g--x d--7 a--7 d--7 obvious... e--7 b--x g--x d--5 a--5 d--5 we hardly seek... e--x b-15 g--x d-12 a-12 d-12 but hope to... e--x b-13 g--x d-12 a-12 d-12 find you... e-15 b-13 g--x d-12 a-12 d-12 there... e b g-12 d-12 a-10 d-10 the second verse is the same as the first except for one variation: they'll burst to flame... e--x--x b-10--8-------| g--x--x-10--9-| d--7--7--7--7-| a--7--7--7--7-| d--7--7--7--7-|