Oxiayala holado, od zodirome O coraxo das zodiladare raasyo. Od vabezodire cameliaxa od bahala. NISO! salamanu telocahe! Lucifer is calling my name From the depth of his throat Down, where the angels fall As their wings blacken and burn Fall... burn... Lucifer is calling my name Down to his belly Among the stormy winds Swallowed I'm being As a fresh scrap of meat Am I dead or I have to die When the death plays her melody Her melody for the end of life I'll release my sins I'll let them flow In this darkening sea Which this abyss seems to be Drown... deep... That's his majesty's wish Casaremanu hoel-qo, od ti ta zod cahisa soba coremefa iga. NIISA! bagile aberamehi nonuc, ape.