Kadath the Lost City

Sadism Beyond The Night Adored

Kadath the Lost City

Dive your hand in the lake of shadow 
seeking the pleasure you've never had 
Oval mirrors of the truth will show 
your real face you've been hiding for ages 
Your unequivocal personality 
demands you appease cruel soul of yours 
Desirous of purgative suffering 
seat of serpents from paradise expelled 
Masochistic soul 
Vampire come to me 
Masochistic soul 
Plunge your sharp teeth 

Flog me, flog me hard please, use this uncommon whip 
By the sweat of your brow let my desire grow 
Put on your leather clothes, be aggressive, unbridled oh 
Hold this tireless whip tight, it has soaked in my blood 

Chain me to the bed, be naughty, be real bad 
Tighten those cords on my legs, temptation says more, she begs 
Make our unrestrained lust blend and my body will rend 
When you drive in your nails into my chest 

Lash me lash me hard please, be an unity with the whip 
Flow softly, slowly in the air, then fall absolutely (faster) 
Hit me sorely that I'm hurt, wound of scream has opened 
Kill me - this is my last wish, satisfy me - do it for my relish 

Gravediggers are dragging coffin with the corpse 
Funeral pyre is burning, in fire is the cross 

And there she is embracing the grave, grinding her claws on the tombstone 
Preparing the way into heart of fire where her lover devil's enthroned 
Now she will take me to her world - undying world of deathless life 
And I'll go to her unfreezing world and I'll stay in her thorny arms 

Coming down to the gates of hell, Feeling hot, pleasure and pain 
Ecstasy tears my bleeding mind, Devil's whore, Heaven's bride 

Her ravenblack beautiful hair smells so well in the air 
I didn't even suppose when she stifled the cross 
That source of her never ending life - blood being sucked from thousand veins 
Brings such an unspeakable pleasure... Sadist's been born this way in me 

Sadistic soul - I can give you pain 
Sadistic soul - Vampire princess my love 
Sadistic soul - I will open your veins 
Sadistic soul - All before the day 

I will lay my head on your thighs my dear, I will suck you out. 
I will bring you misery my dear... All this until the light. 

Night used to be my love some day - for her grace I implored. 
Now I am possessed by the sadism beyond the night adored