He said I'm goin' to west Texas I said hell you've gone crazy Ain't nothing' out there but coyotes and Comanches But he headed out anyways as far as he could He'd finally buried his roots He sold whiskey and cigars to passing through settlers But nobody wants to settle where there ain't no damn water Then they figured out a windmill could pump it from the ground And up sprang a tumbleweed town Where the lonely wind blows like it's angry for being there A flat piece of stone in the middle of nowhere The town never grows cause nobody can keep their roots down It's just a tumbleweed town They came in like gypsies to steal the black gold The town's population increased a hundred fold But they scattered like quail when the oil wells ran out And left no trace of the riches they'd found Then some big shot from Dallas built a factory out here Gonna put us back on the map But hell that was back a few years Now weeds have grown up and the buildings falling down You'd think they'd figured out by now It's just a tumbleweed town Where the lonely wind blows like it's angry for being there A flat piece of stone in the middle of nowhere The town never grows cause nobody can keep their roots down It's just a tumbleweed town A few hayseeds and ranchers still hanging in Too old to start over to damn stubborn to quit And their kids all get restless waiting for a Greyhound So they can get the hell out of this tumbleweed town