Justin Frederick

I Trust You

Justin Frederick

You are my Shepherd and in You I lack nothing
You cause my heart to rest in knowing You
I will not worry, for You know all that I need
You know before I even ask

Your ear is ever bent down close to hear me
You're ever eager to give all I need
I am the apple of Your eye, You love me
Oh, Lord You've known me, You have searched me out

Though I walk through the valley of distress I know
That You are with me I am not alone
I'll fear no evil, for Your rod and staff are here
Your leadership has never failed

I trust You have never failed my heart
And I have trusted You this far
Jesus, come take all my heart, all my heart
I trust You, Jesus, You are just and true
In everything You say and do
Jesus, You know I love You, I love You