Taking a chance with your relative glance, and you fly. Bye-bye. Cornered and beaten for an animal eaten you're right, you're right. Don't tell me more, you're right. I open up myself to see you. Whatch'ya doin' Tris in haze. What 'ya doin' tonight? Whatch'ya doin', Tris? Tell me are you lonely now? Are you saving for your flight? Feeding your head with only things that are dead and you cry and say, "why"? Did you finish that novel with the heroes that grovel and die - they die. They do what's right and die. Oh, you should see what rainbows feel like. Riding our bikes and the cemetery hikes. Do you remember what it feels to feel like? No where to go except for maybe a show. And the games you play are all you need to know.