I try to hold on, despair runs amok I believe its time for a change Need to break the chains of the wage slaves Soon we must take charge And still the labor force will toil Big shots profit from their turmoil No one thinks it’s strange? Need to rearrange Perverse to the core Ignorance is bliss, facing the abyss In the end we're all food for worms Sucking like a leech, product of deceit Bitter fruit to swallow Portrayed as if they were so royal Values and morals have now spoiled A world full of flaws and dogmatic laws We follow no more You sit on high Look down on me Feel in control Cast the first stone You can’t judge me My wrath be known You're overthrown I cast the first stone You wont find me Bowed down to you Will not extol Cast the first stone Thou art no god Just one more clone You're overthrown I cast the first stone