Julien Martinoia

I've Tried

Julien Martinoia

I know that 
The end is coming, and nothing will 
Change our final score 

Is it fate 
That tears us apart? You're further now 
Than ever before 

I've tried 
And I will strive 
To find something to save 
As long as 
The sun goes down 
On this Earth 

I love you 
And I'm ready to do anything to 
Work our issues out 

Don't give up 
We can circumvent what seems to be 

I've tried 
And I'll do my 
Utmost to not pretend 
So I'll fight 
And stand my ground 
?Til the end 

Much like 
Sensing the coming of a fierce 

?Ven as 
The bright summer sun still shines in 
The sky,I 
Feel the 
Weight of 
This threat 
?Pon us 

Please have faith 
We have the strength to put the pieces 
Back together again 

I've tried 
And I will try 
Again, even if it costs 
A high price 
So I vow that 
We'll overcome 
Our problems 
It's not the end