It stirred with fire, 've played with danger, Even if you have warned me I ventured. I like my chances, To be sure of what they say, I like to try, to see if it really is true, And it seems i'm the one who has the courage. But sometimes i'm weak, Weak as compared with iron glass, That can't be broken. But sometimes i'm strong, Strong enough to challenge me. I have this need to figure things out, And i have this fear to know how these things will be After discovery, I like to venture, To see what the world promises me. I like to try, to see if it really is true, And it seems i'm the one who has the courage. But sometimes i'm weak, Weak as compared with iron glass, That can't be broken. But sometimes i'm strong, Strong enough to challenge me. But sometimes i'm weak, Weak as compared with iron glass, That can't be broken. But sometimes i'm strong, Strong enough to challenge me.