'M the driver, going 80 k's Trying to get to Melbourne It's probably gonna take two days Lover beside you, gripping the door Are you always nervous? You have crashed before It's a lot to ask of you To believe in me When I can't even promise I'd do things differently next time Pulled off the highway Found a place to sit He took my hands and I see a bright future I'm just not sure that you're in it It's a lot to ask of me To believe in you When I don't know if you'll ever love me The way I want you to So please just turn me down Oh please just turn me down Why won't you turn me down? Oh please just turn me down Why won't you turn me down? Oh please just turn me down Why won't you turn me down? Why won't you turn me down? Don't look at me Look at the centre line Maybe I'll see you In the supermarket sometime