The minstrel boy to the war is gone In the ranks of death you'll find him; His father's sword he has girded on, And his wild harp swung behind him." Go get your guns it's time to play Let's hurry up don't waste the day Out in the park we'll stage a fight Just like on the T.V. You play the one who has to die I'll shoot the gun and you will cry You will fall down and I will run Just like on the T.V. My daddy has a gun for real I'm gonna have my own someday Just like on the T.V. My daddy told me what to do If anybody bothers you He says the law is on our side Just like on the T.V. You've gotta shoot first Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first And ask your questions later Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first Shoot first You gotta get them before they get you My older brother has his own It's got a handle made of bone He carries it all over town Just like on the T.V. My daddy gave my mama one Genuine real pearl-handled gun She says she got to have her one Just like on the T.V. Did you see who got shot last night? I stayed up to watch him They rushed him off to surgery Right there on the T.V. Gosh I hope they catch the guy I think they ought to shoot him But if they bring him back alive He'll be on the T.V. You've gotta shoot first Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first And ask your questions later Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first Shoot first You gotta get them before they get you I've got to go it's getting late I wish I had a real gun Then I would never be afraid Like some guys on T.V. I'd never use my gun on you You'd never have to worry You'd be the good guy on my side Just like on the T.V. I think when I grow up someday I'm gonna join the NRA I saw them telling what they're for Last night on the T.V. My daddy says it's not a game We've got to play to win it He says I'll have to learn to fight Just like on the T.V. You've gotta shoot first Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first And ask your questions later Shoot first, you've gotta shoot first Shoot first You gotta get them before they get you quot;Land of Song," said the warrior bard, quot;Tho' all the world betrays thee, One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee!"