refrão: Oh a sailor's life is a weary life For he robs the girls of their delight Causes them to weep causes them to mourn Loss of a true love, never to return Oh father father build me a boat And on the world's oceans I will float Hail each captain as I pass by There I'll ask for my sailor boy Oh captain captain tell me true Does my own Willie sail with you Tell me soon to give me joy None will I have but my sailor boy Oh no kind lady he's not here He drowned in the gulf and we buried him there Upon the island as we passed by There we left your sailor boy Oh she rung her hands and tore her hair Just like some lady in great despair Called for a chair to sit her down Penningdon for to write it down Oh dig my grave wide and deep Put a marble stone at the head and feet On my grave a turtle dove Tell the world I died for my love refrão