Judas Priest

A Touch Of Evil

Judas Priest

Tom: A

Keyboreds intro

repeat alot ahah

ok thr last part goes sonthing like this i cant really hear it


around were rob says i taste the fear he they play this




i out sum lyrics so u dudes wouldent get confused here ahahahah 

In the night          come  to  me    you know i want your touch of 
                      slide to 8         dip the whammy bar
                                       or bend like i did 

E--------vil     In the Night Please     set me Free (a tout le monde)
                                             ahahahahahaha slide again

   I cant resist your Touch Of       E-----vil

repeat the verses again
then the chorus

the heres the interlude



now repeat this

bend down slowly

main solo part now!!!!!

bend or use ur bar ahaha

|---------------------------------------bend or bar------|









                t          t



now heres 
arousing with the since of disiare


possesing         soul


reapet the verses 

then chourus 

the ur done!!!!!!!!!!!!!