The wind blows from east to west And as it blows I know that I’ve been more than blessed Blessed with pure beauty cool like this wind riding along the sea All condensed in the presence of this exquisite empress And only she may possess this treasure in my chest Oh no more hard times now she has the graces of finesse Caressing my soul each night My sweet dove beloved of my life She is my song of songs Well she said she loves me more than yesterday But less than tomorrow How glorious it is for me to know the antonyms For the words pain and sorrow Jah seek our hearts and even though I know There’s a world apart But just like the land then called pangaea Oh we were one from the start Je fait de toi mon essentièlle As the moonlight shines that light up the dark So it goes with her love and how it fills my heart I pray to you oh jah, never let me take this love for granted I will always give her my love The realm of love is higher than death