Tom: G nav undefined altView My Profile nav undefined More... altView My Profile nav undefined [Close] altView My Profile BEG YOUR PARDON 3 beats per chord (swing waltz feel) ` = 3 beats Drop-D tuning DADGBE Refer to TAB below for distinctive chord voicings All C-chords have no third Am7 and G~ have no fifth . = sus2 on Beat-3 INTRO: Cmaj7 G. C G Cmaj7 G. C G~ ` it's VERSE: Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G funny how you can miss someone even when they're sitting next to you-ou so Cmaj7 G Cmaj7 G I profess that loneliness isn't always by company cured the Cmaj7 G. cats are in the windows dogs are at the doors the C G lamps are lit and all the curtains being drawn but Cmaj7 G. C G~ you're wanting his heart when I'm wanting yours ah- Cmaj7 ` Am7 ` oh-oh____ but CHORUS: Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 oh no a-round you I forget be-haviour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9* if I begged your pardon might I once again be in your favour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 I know that I'm not the one o' whom you think at night but I know I pre- Cmaj9 D6sus4 G(4) G sume to think I made you think of me right now RE-INTRO: Cmaj7 G. C G~ and VERSE: Cmaj7 G. C G every day the drudgery that lingers when the day is done for me I Cmaj7 G. C G long to feel the quickening that anything from you to me can bring Cmaj7 G C G actors never stop their acting and a singer never has a thing to say but Cmaj7 G C G~ you're drawn to him so I get drawn a-way a- C ` Am7 ` gain__ but CHORUS-SHORT: Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 oh no a-round you I forget be-haviour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9* if I begged your pardon might I once again be in your favour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 I know that I'm not the one o' whom you think at night but I know I pre- Cmaj9 D6sus4 sume to think I made you think of me right CHORUS: Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 now______ a-round you I forget be-haviour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9* if I begged your pardon might I once again be in your favour but Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 I know that I'm not the one o' whom you think at night but I know I pre- Cmaj9 D6sus4 G(4) G sume to think I made you think of me right now TAG: Cmaj9 ` D7sus4 ` Cmaj9 D6sus4 G I made you think of me right now______________ (ritard) ================================================================================ TUNING: 6 5 4 3 2 1 Drop-D D A D G B E .--------------------------------------------------------. | UPDATE March 2007 release of the Wesley Anne Recording | | confirms Josh plays the song in Double-Drop-D tuning: | | 6 5 4 3 2 1 | | D A D G B D | | Open 1st-string rings but is possibly never fretted. | '--------------------------------------------------------' CHORDS: INTRO/VERSE CHORUS TAG Cmaj7 G Gsus2 C G~ Am7 Cmaj9 D6sus4 G D7sus4 G E|-----------------------------------|--------------------|------------| B|--12----12----10-----8----8----8---|--0-------0-----0---|---10----0--| G|--0-----0-----0------0----0----0---|--12*-----0-----12*-|---12----0--| D|--10----12----12-----10---9----10--|--12------12----12--|---10----5--| A|-------------------------------0---|--10------12----10--|---0-----5--| D|-----------------------------------|--10------12--------|---0-----5--| * 3rd-string could be left open then maybe the high-G is an overtone/harmonic caused by the tight fingering position. Suggestions welcomed from anyone who has seen Josh play. ================================================================================ LEFT-CHANNEL GUITAR INTRO: (swing waltz feel) Cmaj7(no3rd) G Gsus2 C5 G 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + E|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| B|-------12-------12-|-------12----10----|-----------8-------|-----12----------12| G|-----0-------0-----|-----0-------------|-0-----------0-----|-0---------0-0-----| D|-10--------10------|-12--------12----\-|-10----10----10-/12|-12----------12----| A|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| D|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| Cmaj7(no3rd) G Gsus2 C5 G(no5th) 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 e + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + E|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| B|-------12--------12|-------12----10----|-------------8-----|-8-----------------| G|-----0-------0-----|-----0-------------|-0---------0-------|-0-----------------| D|-10--------10------|-12--------12----\-|-10----9h10------10|-9-----------------| A|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| D|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| LINK: C5 C5 Am7(no5th) Am7(no5th) 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 e + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + E|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| B|-----------8-------|-------8-----------|-------------------|-8-----------------| G|-------0-----------|-----0-------------|-----------0-------|-0-----------------| D|-10----------10----|-9h10--------10----|-------10----------|-10----------------| A|-------------------|-------------------|-0-----------0-----|-0-----------------| D|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| ================================================================================ RIGHT-CHANNEL GUITAR Mostly the same voicings in the INTRO/VERSE with rhythmic variations. Similar patterns continue in the CHORUS (but the chord-names change!) Cmaj9 D6sus4 G Cmaj9 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + E|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| B|-------12--------12|-------12----10----|-12--------12------|-8---------8-------| G|-----0-------0-----|-----0-------------|-0-----------------|-0-----------------| D|-10--------10------|-12--------12------|-12----------12--\-|-10----------10--/-| A|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| D|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| Bar-8 lick: Cadence: Cmaj9* G (4) G 1 + 2 e + 3 + 1 + 2 e + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + E|-------------------| E|-------------------|-------------------| B|-8-----------8-----| B|-8-----------8-----|-8-----------------| G|-0---------0-------| G|-0---------0-------|-0-----------------| D|-10----9h10------/-| D|-9-----9h10-----10-|-9-----------------| A|-------------------| A|-------------------|-------------------| D|-------------------| D|-------------------|-------------------| h = hammer-on \ / = slide The ring-finger slide on the Cmaj9-chord is really a position shift since the index-finger plays the next note also at Fret-10.