they sat on a beach and waited for rain he threw pebbles as she sang her last refrain giggling as she forgot the words he picked out stones that reminded him of her you look delicious like a really juicy peach i've never felt this for the first time i can't explain in words as the stars begin to burn a little love song he took her hand and kissed it twice she couldn't think of anything else except the fact that it felt nice he took her photo paddling in the sea she splashed in the waves and thought how lucky that its me realising that she'd found the one who knows just what it means to save the last chocolate button no matter how tasty it seems he'd give her his umbrella when it rained cos he knew that she didn't like getting her hair wet she slept on the bus the whole way home whilst she was dreaming he prayed he'd never be alone as he carried her in he stroked her face