
0,15 flowers


When you are with me I feel that my duty has been fulfilled
But when you are not with me I feel a void inside of me
The music makes me live but you make me smile
And your smile make me alive
You are like a ball without life but that always pulls towards the life of others
But others do not admit you as you are because you are different from them
You always be yourself because nobody can judge you
When you are with me I feel that my duty has been fulfilled

But when you are not with me I feel a void inside of me
The music makes me live but you make me smile
And your smile make me alive
I see your future that is hard as a stone
But you can't call to the telephone
Because the phone is the one that speaks to you

When you are with me I feel that my duty has been fulfilled
But when you are not with me I feel a void inside of me
The music makes me live but you make me smile
And your smile make me alive
You are like a ball without life but that always pulls towards the life of others
But others do not admit you as you are because you are different from them
You always be yourself because nobody can judge you
When you are with me I feel that my duty has been fulfilled

But when you are not with me I feel a void inside of me the 0, 15
Flowers make me cry because you come back to live