I'me trapped in the city All the time Like a little bird That someone broke his wing So now I can't fly to the sky I need the sky, I can't fly I'me trapped in the city A man lost in time Take me to the darkest place Take me to the underground I can't believe it's true Imé trapped here, there's someone chasing me Like a rabid dog, smelling all my steps And cigarettes I left behind You know I keep running from myself On the edge of me It's floating in my eyes I need to reach my dreams I have to get you back, baby I can't believe imé trapped here All this time Run run run to the shadows Run run run to the shadows Imé trapped here in this Fucking city I can't fly I want to fly like a bird But my wings are broken I can not fly in the sky Take me down to the underground To the darkest places of this dirty town The Sun is burning in my eyes Imé feeling deranged I can't believe in anyone My best friend is a smoking gun All the humans lay down like corpses In the underground I am just one Another like them Trapped in this nasty town On the edge of me It's floating in my eyes I need to reach my dreams I have to get you back, baby I want to believe in you My shining star Yes I want to believe in you I want to be free again This Dammed city is my nightmare now Imé running for you my girl I've been running mile for you, you know But imé trapped in this city Imé trapped in this fucking city All this time