Howard Jones

Other People Are Us

Howard Jones

I've never been more lonely. 
The night is closing in. 
I wish for Monday morning and the people of the town to heal me, 
Opening themselves 
Like flowers to a cruel sun. 
Going thru the motions 
With no chance to show their deep emotion. 

When they sing and cry 
When they live and die 
Can't we see other people, those people are us 

Angels live inside 
Vultures try to hide 
In the mirrors we see Other People Are Us 

The walls are falling down with the breath of an idea. 
See Allah in the church and Jesus in the mosque. 
Our world is turning. 

Heroes leave behind minds of prejudice. 
Cowards try to hold the easiness of our division. 


As the swallows fly through leaves of Africa 
Do they cry as they witness our tears? 
Will the hands of needs become the hand of greed? 
There will be a time when those people are us. 


Living in the world of isolation 
Of comfort and tranquillity 
But sooner or later in this whole world, those people are us 


Yes, we are all the same 
The nations of the world 
Young ones trapped by chemicals, no hope to carry on 
The working families 
Replaced by metal men 
Travellers from the East in their suburban reservations 
We are the victims 
Of the ruling hands 
There will come a time when those people are us