JonBenet Ramsey

Jesus Is Dead? But His Vagina Seeks Revenge

JonBenet Ramsey

Female privates on the crotch of the Jehovah
A little tid-bit that the Bible didn't tell ya
Foaming lips on the rabid Jesus twat
Infectious secretions, smelly holy snot
A vagina with teeth that was nailed to the cross
Festering with warts, Christ did not floss
Stench of yeast between the legs of the Jew
Suffocated the Apostles till they turned blue
With a mind of its own, a disembodied clit
World is now ravaged by the cunt of the Holy Spirit
The Lord's vagina is now alive
Left the cadaver of Christ behind
Producing a deadly rabid slime
Infecting the cocks of Christ's own kind