Tom: C C G C Washington came first and he was perfect, C G John Adams had a quasi-war with France F Am Jefferson made a Louisiana Purchase D7 G G7 In 1812 James Madison kicked the British in the pants C G C James Monroe told Europe they could suck it C F John Quincy Adams looked just like his Dad F Am Andrew Jackson got rid of all the Indians D7 G C Van Buren served one term but he wasn't bad C G C William Henry Harrison died early C G John Tyler annexed Texas from Mexico F Am James K. Polk fought Mexico to keep it D7 G G7 Taylor was a Mexican War hero C G C Filmore gave a boat to Commodore Perry C F Pierce repealed the Missouri Compromise F Am Buchanan saw the Civil War's beginnings D7 G C Lincoln saved the Union, then he died C G C Andrew Johnson just survived impeachment C G General Grant thought getting drunk was fun F Am Rutherford B. Hayes ended reconstruction D7 G G7 Garfield was assassinated in 1881 C G C Arthur suspended Chinese immigration C F Cleveland made the railroad people squirm F Am Harrison signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act D7 G C Grover Cleveland served another term C G C McKinley kept the Spanish out of Cuba C G Roosevelt was handy with a gun F Am Taft was big and fat and had a mustache D7 G G7 Wilson kicked some ass in World War I C G C Harding said let's laissez-faire with business C F Coolidge made the roaring 20's roar F Am Hoover screwed the pooch in the Great Depression D7 G C Roosevelt beat the Nazis in the war C G C Truman dropped the bomb on Hiroshima C G Eisenhower kept the commies well in hand F Am Kennedy was killed by a magic bullet D7 G G7 Johnson murdered kids in Vietnam C G C Nixon was a sweating filthy liar C F Ford gave Nixon pardon for his crimes F Am Carter lusted in his heart for peanuts D7 G C Reagan won the Cold War and lost his mind C G C George Bush senior poked at Saddam Hussein C G Clinton gave an intern a cigar F Am W's rein of terror's finally over D7 G G7 Obama's mediocre insofar C G C In the year twenty 'leven we're out of money C F Somewhere surely freedom's on the march F Am I don't like to make political statements D7 G C