Taming their needs For the want of one they do what you do And if you follow it blind You’re forever standing in a long queue He gages with his eyes He's talking with a quick tongue He heard these cats were straight Then he saw they were slowly swung And anyone he meets He tells them what they want to hear He’s trapped in a brain cell With a man ringing his ear You’ll be laughing on The other side Of your face I’ve been laughing on The other side Of my face Every good coward Gets caught by, by the good guys But they’ll be surprised By the fact you’re still alive You’re comeuppance never came And now it comes with the numb teeth It’ll put you in the red box Of which you will never leave You were foiled in your plans Now you’re cooking up another one The timer is set Your demise will surely come You’ll be laughing on The other side Of your face I’ve been laughing on The other side Of my face