Brothers of the sun ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid... Sisters of the moon ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid... As all my life ascended There the angels sang inside of me The more you realize the more you gain. As though there's something living said There beyond the garden of the windows Rest upon the life Lay it on the line There lie the souls within the lost world Where memory is forgotten On the magic Horse of Fire. And all the worlds are locked in memory Caught within our apathy You get the picture not the story. Honor your past Honor your life Honor the history of the ancient. As every thought creates a backlash The senseless death The waste. Should it be a mantra Should it be a book You give a little knowledge Realizing the glory of the wise... And the ancient lives. Sisters of the moon ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid. Brothers of the sun ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid. Brothers of the sky ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid. Mothers of the earth ascend Be amongst us Be there not afraid.