Remember, the clocks you sat watching? The pigs stared cheated Another dead ship sinking Our mother left it to you An empty shell and a broken blue balloon Volcanic ashes, left a stain on the devils empire Three days and fourteen nights, I wept for you Tame the monster once again Was I the only cunt that cared? Hold on to the end my brother Believe me, I'd be there if I could Lead the Shepherds from their grounding I swear I'll never kiss his wife Our lips weren't meant for the mouths of the daughters Our lips were made for the head of the snakes I could never love like another I could never fabricate or suffocate the worried minds of the children, laid to waste. And from the emperor's womb, a hero rises Under the demon's urine, he saw the truth We live for taking chances Cannot forgive the romantics We live in these sacred times This is our time, the time of our lives We must lift ourselves of blame For the time has come for us to change I'm bored of hearing voices [x2] Lift up your hearts Let the rain fall between your teeth So your lips touch the sky And your lungs fill with dignity Goodbye winter sun Snow passes over, my work is done The art of crying, like no other Mastered by the beast's lonely mother On our way to nowhere ships lead us home Finding our reasons, wind bites the bones Our ships are sinking but not that far Beneath the moonlight, we'll find the stars